My journey to the free internet

  • Stop using Facebook, Instagram etc.
  • Use duckduckgo browser on mobile
  • Use Firefox, Vivaldi or duckduckgo on desktop
  • Use duckduckgo as the default search engine

You will immediately notice that it gets harder to find things by search. This feels bad at first, but it is a good thing because:

  • It demonstrates how much Google use your personal data to tailor your search results
  • It forces you to seek specific information from a wider range of sources

Gather a list of trusted sites and bookmark them. Always go directly to the site by using the bookmarks.

Try to keep only one tab open. If you have other tabs open ask yourself: do I want to read this now? No: is this something worth bookmarking, eg: reference material? No: is this something I can take direct action on now? No: close the tab. Using this technique I almost never have more than 2 tabs open, and I don't use open browser tabs as some kind of shitty reminder system.