Small liquid rocket
Electric driven pumps. High power capacitors or lithium battery. Pump water through 3d printed pumps to test efficiency. Lox and methane fuel.
- On-site lox production
- Portable liquid nitrogen condenser
- Insulated external tanks
- Two rigs: lox production and test bench
- Remote operation of lox condenser
- Remote operation of test rig
- Pressure sensors for tanks
- Low temperature sensors for condenser, tanks
- Microphones
- Video
- Vibration sensors
LOX production
- Pour liqnit from Dewar into isolated canister.
- Move to remote location.
- Purge condenser and LOX lines and LOX canister with liqnit to precool.
- Dump liqnit from LOX system.
- Cycle liqnit through glass condenser.
- Open OX gas valve through condenser.
- LOX flows into isolated canister.
- Turn off lox gas.
- Purge LOX lines with liqnit.
- Perform test.
- Dump liqnit canister.
- Dump remaining LOX from canister.
- Open ox gas into condenser
- Dump liqnit from canister
- Dump liqnit from condenser
- Dump lox from tank
- Open lox to test stand
Choose the right valve. Brass and LOX? banggood
Stainless steel 1/8 manual: aliexpress